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Delivery & Returns

UK Delivery

Some of our items online are from international suppliers or they are made to order eg. furs so upto 2 week delivery time can be expected from the date of order to delivery unless item is in stock and can take be sent recorded an take 1-2 working days. We will always state delivery times on our item information. 
Should your item be delayed and take longer than expected then please contact us regarding your delivery and we will track it for you.

Return & Exchange

All orders are exchange only but our items that are made to order eg. Furs are no return or exchange so please ensure your size and measurements are correct when placing your order see. Orders for exchange must be returned within 14 days with full name, order number and reason for exchange.
All items should be returned to us in their original condition and packaging, unworn and unwashed. Items that have been damaged, worn, washed, or dry-cleaned will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer. So please make sure you do not have any makeup, fake tan etc. when trying on the item. They must be returned in the state you received them in with all tags intact. All returns will be looked over for any signs of tampering. 
All exchanges must be packaged and posted tracked we recommend you keep proof of postage as we are not liable if it gets lost on its way back to us. We aim to process exchanges as quickly as possible but please allow upto a week for it to be posted out. 


We are responsible for your goods during the time that they are in transit to you. We only post recorded so a proof of signature is always required for your parcel when it is received at stated address. Please make sure that you provide an address at which you know your parcel will reach you safely. If you are not at home to sign for your parcel at your provided address you will be left a card from the courier stating how you can go about collecting your parcel or rearranging delovert.

Please note if you do not collect your parcel from the couriers depot within the stated time on the card then your parcel will be disposed of by the courier and we are not liable for it.